The 7th Cavalry Forum is the Wiki's sister site specifically set up for members and friends of our tactical gaming community. There are a handful of threaded discussions open to visitors where you can ask questions or report issues. Our members enjoy access to much more. We encourage you to sign up for Forum access today! |
A Staff Department is a group of officers and enlisted personnel that provides a bi-directional flow of information between a commanding officer and subordinate military units.
Command Structure leading from the Regimental Commander through the Regimental Command Staff (HQ) and Battalion Staff down to the newest recruits.
Rank System of hierarchical relationships in the 7th Cavalry. It is modeled after the US military ranking system.
UCMJ for 7th Cavalry is based on the Uniform Code of Military Justice used by the United States military. It has been modified and simplified to support the needs of our gaming community. All members of 7th Cavalry are subject to the standards set forth in the UCMJ.