Judge Advocate General Corps

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Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Superior Dept Regimental Headquarters
Motto '
HQ Staff
Lead {{{DepLead}}}
1IC GEN Cameron Burgundy
2IC {{{DepXO}}}
3IC {{{DepNCOIC}}}
Aide to Judge Advocate General (JAG) {{{DepAide}}}
Aide to SecOps {{{Aide}}}
Reporting Units

Judge Advocate General's Corps, also known as JAG or JAG Corps, refers to the legal branch or specialty of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and Navy. Officers serving in the JAG Corps are typically called Judge Advocates. The Marine Corps and Coast Guard do not maintain separate JAG Corps per se and judge advocates in those services maintain their line officer-status. In the Air Force and Navy, JAG officers only serve in legal positions. Judge Advocates in the Army retain eligibility for command, and may be assigned to non-legal positions with permission of the Judge Advocate General, but this is only rarely done; the majority serve in legal positions and their careers are therefore similar to those of the Navy and Air Force.


Membership in our brotherhood extends a number of privileges to each trooper. These privileges come with corresponding responsibilities. Standards of accountability for the exercise of one's privilege and discharge of responsibility is outlined in our Code Of Conduct and General Orders. The rules we have codified and adhere to as a community stand as a bulwark against disorder and chaos. When a trooper strays outside the established guardrails of accountability, formal disciplinary action may be necessary including a Letter of Reprimand, Article 15, or court-martial proceeding.

In these matters, the JAG department shoulders the weighty responsibility of adjudicating the actions and intent of both the individual and the community. It does so by carefully, fairly, and impartially advocating for rights while requiring responsibility within a framework of carefully defined rules and precedence. Process, impartiality, and fairness are of great importance to those being disciplined for misconduct. The repercussions of a disciplinary decision may be grave. Understanding this, the JAG conducts its business with the highest professionalism and commitment to integrity and transparency.

Joining the Department

Below are the requirements to join the office of the JAG.


Joining the department as a Clerk has the following pre-requisites:

  • Minimum rank of Corporal
  • No Article 15 to record
  • No Active NFA (or within the past 6 months)
  • Invitation to join by a serving Attorney or JAG


Used at the discretion of the JAG and based upon the needs of the Regiment.