Section Leader

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This SOP page is no longer relevant. This could be due to historical changes, the page is out of date, or been replaced. Please view our Standard Operating Procedures page for the relevant SOP's.
Reason: New Page = Section Staff - Duties and Responsibilities

This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-R-010
Scope: 7th Cavalry Section Leader - Duties and Responsibilities
Version: Version 2.2
Effective Date: 24AUG2013
Last Modified Date: 07AUG2022
Approving Authority: Regimental Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental Chief of Staff

Note that in some infantry companies the Section Leader is known as the Squad Leader.


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide the requirements for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a Section Leader in the 7th Cavalry Regiment.


  • Section Role Call (5.1)
  • Section Training (5.2)
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly Duties (5.3)

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
Platoon Leader (PL) and Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Ensure that Section Leaders follow and receive training on this procedure.
Section Leader (SL) •Complete the required training.

•Follow this procedure

References and Important Concepts


Section Roll Call

It is the responsibility of the Section Leader (SL) to post a roll call in their section's forum on a weekly basis. Roll call post will be posted by 0700z (0200 Central) Sunday (Battalions can require roll call to be posted earlier then 0700z (0200 Central) Sunday but not later) / Completed by 2300z Friday (Roll-Calls - View Sample Roll Call Post) The SL will instruct their troopers to post a reply on the roll call post by copying and pasting the section for the troopers and answering the questions. The SL may require their troopers to make a mid-week bump to roll-call to avoid the AWOL list.

Daily SLs will update their original roll call post for that week and fill in the names of their troopers under the appropriate heading (Accounted For and Unaccounted For). SL is to specify if a trooper is on leave of absence (LOA), and list the trooper as Accounted For. If a trooper is determined to be AWOL, the SL will include the date of the trooper's “Last Post" on the forum. If a trooper is excused from practice with a valid reason they will be listed as Unaccounted For with “Excused” behind their name. Excused troopers must be approved by Platoon Staff. Section Roll Call posts will be completed by Friday evening @ 2300z.

Section Training

It is the responsibility of SL to hold section training at a minimum frequency of once a week. The SL is responsible to have a trooper trained to run practice in their absence, or delegate to the Assistant Section Leader (ASL). The SL is responsible for organizing each section training and drafting a Section Training Plan (STP) to be posted, in advance of the scheduled training session, for their troopers to read, understand, and prepare if necessary. The STP shall include the following:

  • Training Material: Include any material (reading or pictures) required to complete the training (ex. Map pictures with names)
  • Training Plan: A description of the planned activities, including drills, maps to be used, etc. in order to complete the training (ex. Section will tour maps X, Y, and Z and call out the names of the different areas)

Training After Action Report (TAAR) will be included in the weekly Roll Call post, as detailed above. The Post Training Assessment element is the SL's assessment of how successful the training session was. The SL should include lessons learned (things that went right and/or wrong), future improvements, the performance of the troops, etc. TAAR's are due Mondays at 0700Z (for the prior week) for section leadership.

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Duties

As a Section Leader, administration of the server is required if on a 7Cav Server, this applies at all times if rank and administration privilege is applicable.

  • Daily Duties
    • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord or Teamspeak be available for your troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord, Teamspeak, or the forums. Spend time with the troopers in your section.
    • Make an effort to meet with members of the Section to build a rapport and ensure a positive working relationship with them.
    • Spend time with the leadership within the Platoon/Company/Battalion.
    • Ensure information is passed up and down the Chain of Command in a timely manner.
  • Weekly Duties
    • Accountability - Ensure you are attending and leading your Section practice each week
    • Section Practice - Ensure the weekly practice that you led was in line with the Monthly Training Plan (MTP).
    • Counseling - Provide guidance and counseling to the Section members as required
    • Roll Call - Ensure Section roll calls are up to standard and are posted in the appropriate area of the forums no later then 0700z (0200 Central) Sunday unless otherwise dictated by Battalion Policy
    • Recruiting - Constantly encourage the recruitment of members on our public servers and any MILSIM/FPS/Gaming Forum sites.
    • Reporting - Ensure your weekly SL report is submitted on time NLT 0700HRS Zulu every Monday.
  • Monthly Duties
    • Leadership Development - Coordinate with the Platoon Sergeant to conduct leadership development within your Section.
    • Monthly Training Plan - Coordinate with the Platoon Sergeant to understand the MTP. The training plan is to be used when planning section practice.
    • “Of the Quarter” Awards - Evaluate and make recommendations for Trooper “Of the Quarter” within the section. Forward the recommendation in a forum PM to Platoon Staff no later than the last week of the current quarter.
    • ASL Training - Meet with your Assistant Section Leader (ASL) ahead of time to designate a time for them to construct and execute a section practice. This should be done in advance to answer questions the ASL may have and ensure the quality of the SP.

See also