Hell Let Loose School of Armor

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The Hell Let Loose School of Armor (SOA) is a 2nd Battalion (Hell Let Loose) school operated as part of S7 - Training. The Hell Let Loose School of Armor instructs Tankers on all aspects of Armor operations. The school is designated the Functional Center of Excellence (FCoE) for all Armored training and instructs not only crewman skills and fundamentals but further knowledge of advanced armor training both in individual asset tactics and cohesive platoon strategy.

Mission and Vision


Mechanics and Fundamentals Courses

Basic Armor Crewman Course (BACC)

Description TBD

Tank Driver's Course (TDC)

Description TBD


  • Basic Armor Crewman Course (BACC)

Tank Gunner's Course (TGC)

Description TBD


  • Basic Armor Crewman Course (BACC)

Advanced Armor Training

Tank Commander Leadership Course (TCLC)

Description TBD


  • Tank Driver's Course
  • Tank Gunner's Course
  • Basic Radio Communications Course

Advanced Battle Drill and Tactics (ABDT)

Description TBD


  • Tank Driver's Course
  • Tank Gunner's Course

Awards and Decorations

The Cavalry School awards two distinct awards for completion of training pathways: The Master Gunner Badge, and the Cavalry Spurs.

Badge/Award Name Description
MGUNNER.PNG Master Gunner Badge
Completion of all Armored Pathway courses.

School Standard Operating Procedures

Instructor Qualification Policy

All new instructors to the school will start as assistant instructors - that is to assist others in the running of their courses. To become qualified as a full instructor and run their own courses the instructor must do the following:

  • Be qualified in the class prior as a student.
  • Attend one course as an assistant instructor.
  • Teach the course as a lead instructor under the supervision of a fully qualified instructor
  • Be added to the School of Infantry qualification tracker

Guidance to Instructors

Instructors already qualified must remain current with the material and assist other instructors as required. They must remain proficient with the tools of administrating a course, namely posting and scheduling classes, posting the graduation work and recommending medals for courses that award any badge or award. Instructors should take the time to develop instructors in training, allowing them to conduct the necessary administration as training as part of the qualification process. Instructors should refer to this document for any future queries.

Guidance to School of Infantry Commander

The SOI Commander must audit classes whenever possible to ensure the Infantry School standard is maintained.

Assigning a new Fully Qualified Instructor to a course

The SOI Commander is responsible for evaluating and passing Instructors in Training. Once the Instructor in Training has displayed the ability to lead that course effectively, the Commander will:

  • Ensuring that the Instructor in Training is familiar with the correct graduation post and forum post formats and locations.
  • Verify the Instructor in Training shows effective leadership
  • Inform the Instructor in Training that they are now a fully qualified instructor.

New Instructor In-Clearance Routines

The Lead Instructor will:

  • Conduct an in-person Initial Counselling Statement (ICS), and discuss:
    • Minimum requirement of attending one course per month
    • Discuss instructor interests to assign the correct section
    • Explain the process to becoming fully qualified
  • Review the S7 Wiki Page, as well your school’s Wiki page
    • Review relevant information and S7 SOP’s with them
    • Encourage the new Instructor to bookmark this information
  • Explain the course scheduling policies
  • Review how to post a graduation announcement
  • Add the Instructor to your school’s S7 Tracker
  • Add the Instructor to your school’s S7 Google Drive with “Viewer” access
    • Review your S7 Google Drive with the Instructor so they can find Lesson Plans
  • Let the new Instructor know to look through the S7 Forums after S1 process their position announcement
    • Encourage the new Instructor to bookmark and review the S7 Forums once available
  • Create a new position assignment in the Position Announcements forum