S7 Department - Class Posting

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-017
Scope: S7 Department - Class Posting
Version: Version 2.0
Effective Date: 25MAY20
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: S7 Officer in Charge
Point of Contact: S7 Executive Officer

Introduction to Posting a Class

Posting a class is now done exclusively through the 7th Cavalry website. Posting a class involves using the integrated calendar tool, and copying the content from a pre-established template.


Every class posted will have the following title format:

School Name Abbreviation | Full Course Name | Date and Time in Zulu (Format DDMMMYY TTTTZ)

As an example, The Cavalry School posting a Basic Armor Crewman Course would be titled as such:

TCS | Basic Armor Crewman Course | 24JAN21 1800Z

Event Creation

Posting a class requires use of the forums.

Additional Notes

  • Avoid scheduling during a time that may conflict with another class or operation if it is for the same game.
  • If a course template needs a change, contact your School Lead to update the reference template and the Training Lead will update the tool
  • If you wish to assist teaching a class, simply edit the post and add your name to the instructor list
  • Consult the 7CAV-R-031 for additional information relevant to that AO