Template:Infobox department

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Superior Dept DEMO DEPT
Motto '
HQ Staff
Lead {{{DepLead}}}
1IC {{{DepOIC}}}
2IC {{{DepXO}}}
3IC {{{DepNCOIC}}}
Aide to {{{DepName}}} {{{DepAide}}}
Aide to CoS {{{Aide}}}
Reporting Units

Template Documentation


The Infobox Department is used to standardise any and all Department related Unit Information Fields. It is created by Vermeulen.A and any questions can be send to the RPD Administrators.


ParameterName Default Value Visible?
DepName Department Name is put here Always
DepIMG Image for the Department. Default is set to S1.png Always
SupDept Superior Department Always
DepMotto Department Motto Only if set
DepLead (Sub)Department Lead (sub-departments) Only if set
DepOIC OIC for the department (if exists) Only if set
XO XO for the department (if exists) Only if set
NCOIC NCOIC for the department (if exists) Only if set
Aide to {Department} Aide to the department (if exists) Only if set
Aide to CoS Aide to the CoS (if exists) Only if set
RepUnit Subdepartments (if exists) Only if set