S7 Training - Cadre, and Cadre Awards

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-011
Scope: S7 Training - Cadre, OVSM, and Non-Attendance Policy
Version: Version 3.0
Effective Date: 05JUL20
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: S7 Officer in Charge
Point of Contact: S7 Executive Officer


This S7 Training policy details the roles and responsibilities of Cadre that assist courses, the criteria to award the Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (OVSM), and policy for members who fail to attend scheduled classes, despite signing up.


A Cadre member is defined as a volunteer who assists the running of a class in a manner that does not officially require instructor status, and the member is not in an instructor billet in the school. Examples of Cadre functions include:

Game Description
Arma 3
  • Qualified Army Aviators who fly aircraft in support of classes requiring air or aviation support, such as Air Assault or Airborne School.
  • Soldiers who act as members of an Infantry Rifle Squad Fireteam to provide enhanced realism and training value
Squad, Hell Let Loose
  • Members who act as a simulated Opposing Force (OPFOR)
  • Soldiers who act as members of an Infantry Rifle Squad Fireteam to provide enhanced realism and training value

Not all classes require Cadre members, and are at the discretion of the Instructor. Cadre members do not instructor courses, and must be qualified Instructors to do so. The medal is awarded for Cadre who attend a total of 3 courses, in any school.

Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal

The Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (OVSM) is awarded for Cadre members who continually support S7 Training efforts. The criteria for awarding are as follows:

  • All Cadre must be listed in the class graduation post to be tracked to qualify for the medal
  • Participation is tracked by the appropriate S7 Training Lead
  • Cadre are defined as Soldiers who are not assigned as Instructors to the school which is conducting the training.
  • OVSM's can be recommended for every 3 courses a trooper volunteers to act as Cadre for