S5 Department - Regulations and Procedures

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-005
Scope: S5 Department - Regulations and Procedures
Version: Version 3.0
Effective Date: 10FEB20
Last Modified Date: 10JUN22
Approving Authority: ROO Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: ROO Executive Officer
This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-005
Scope: S5 Department - Regulations and Procedures
Version: Version 3.0
Effective Date: 10FEB20
Last Modified Date: 10JUN22
Approving Authority: ROO Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: ROO Executive Officer


Introduction to S5

Welcome to S5 Public Affairs

Joining S5 puts you on the frontline of the 7th Cavalry. Everyday we work with outside units to help make our content the best it can be for our members, and to improve the Cav's face to the outside world.

Definition of the Role

The job of a public relations officer is to represent the 7th Cav during talks with other clans. We expect you to visit these clans and embody our rules and regulations. While we do not demand you call other clan members by their ranks at first glance, we do ask that you pay them the respect that you would offer anyone else in the 7th Cavalry. Treat those how you would like to be treated. Speak clearly and honestly and you will always find success.

Power in Numbers

In S5, we have several members working together to achieve common goals. If you see a S5 PR member not understanding something or making errors, ask to assist them. Take the initiative to help. For all you know that member may be confused by our admittedly steep learning curve of a Department.

Working with other department members also comes in handy when in meetings with other clans. You have a backup and a comrade with which you can work with. Not only that but the clan you are meeting with will think better of the Cav sending two of its Public Relations officers instead of one. Make them feel special and you will find them far more workable than normal.

Personnel Duties and Responsibilities

Effective September23 per S5 1IC Fields.Q and 2IC Smithson.R

S5 - HQ - 1IC

Role of S5 1IC

The 1IC of S5 is to execute the vision of the Regiment with respect to the upkeep and maintenance of personnel records within the 7th Cavalry Regiment.

Responsibilities of S5 1IC

  • Read and respond to PMs from the S5 department Comms
  • Provide monthly S5 departments report for CSC meeting
  • Ensure all members of S5 have the correct access to all resources required to allow them to fulfill their job requirements
  • Read and respond to external clans that try and reach the 7th Cavalry on our forums
  • Track department staffing and advise on staffing levels
  • Be ready to talk with external clan members on Discord (and/or Teamspeak if applicable)
  • Personnel Accountability - Work with S5 HQ to monitor transfers, LOA's, ELOA's, AWOL's, PAF Logs, and Discharges for changes to Departmental strength.
  • Ensure the ASFM tracker is up to date.
  • Verbally Counsel Staff Leads/AO Leads as required to ensure adherence to rules/regulations/policies/codes.
  • Ensure disciplinary documentation is reviewed and sentenced where appropriate.

S5 - HQ - 2IC

Role of S5 2IC

The 2IC of S5 is to support the 1IC in the execution of duties assigned to the department by the regiment with respect to the upkeep and maintenance of personnel records. Specifically, any current implementation of MILPACs and relevant data/tools to be maintained by the department.

Responsibilities of S5 2IC

  • The ongoing health and morale of the department in all respects
  • Attend one of the CSCs in a given quarter.
  • Perform administrative duties associated with the Department, or any task delegated by the 1IC.
  • Ensure the ASFM tracker is up to date.
  • Verbally Counsel Staff Leads/AO Leads as required to ensure adherence to rules/regulations/policies/codes.

S5 Department Leads

Role of the S5 Department Leads

To take charge of managing their specific department projects and quality checking any work. The S5 Department Leads will be in charge of counseling new members of their department and ensuring that they stay at an effective strength at all times.

Responsibilities of Department Leads

  • Read and respond to PMs in the S5 Department Comms PM.
  • Verbally Counsel S5 members as required to ensure adherence to rules/regulations/policies/codes.
  • Ensure all members of their AO have the correct access to all resources required to allow them to fulfil their job requirements.
  • Ensure disciplinary documentation is reviewed and sentenced where appropriate.
  • Provide monthly reports to 2IC before 1st of each month.
  • Any additional tasks assigned by 1IC or 2IC

S5 Department Senior Clerks

Role of S5 Department Senior Clerk

The Senior Clerks of S5 are to support the execution of duties assigned to the department by S5 Department Leads.

Responsibilities of S5 Department Senior Clerk

  • Report issues and problems up to the assigned AO Lead.
  • Supervise product creation.
  • Supervise and train Clerks.
  • Ensure all S5 Department Members are accounted for at all times.

S5 Department Clerks

Role of S5 Department Clerk

The Clerks are the backbone of the department and are responsible for the creation of products such as graphics or videos. They report to their assigned Senior Clerk and pass along any issues that they may have. The Department Lead will assign them to an area of operation.

Responsibilities of S5 Department Clerk

  • Report to their respective AO Lead/Senior.
  • Follow the guidelines set by the AO Lead.
  • Any additional tasks assigned by leadership.
  • Minimum Rank is PFC


  • Report to Media Lead at least once every two weeks. This is so it is understood what you are working on and what your blockers are.
    • This will be done via a google form to keep track of postings. That form is here
  • Failure to fill this out will result in a DCS
  • Media must be reviewed by Lead + Staff before being uploaded to YouTube/Cav Hosting.
  • Actions malicious in nature through the use of S5 Media will result in an immediate LoR and or removal from the department.
  • Minimum Rank is PFC

Public Relations:

  • At least one contact report every week (this can include advertising posters on other platforms).
  • Network with other clans/communities who have a similar playstyle as us (i.e. tactical, respectable, etc.).
  • Forward clan folders to an S5-S3 Operations Staff Liaison to develop the Combat mission.
  • Find community events for the 7th Cavalry to partake in (i.e. Battles, tournaments, etc.).
  • Review and update clan folders in the forum section once a week.
  • Consequences for incomplete duties will result in the removal from the department.
  • Actions deemed malicious in nature through the use of S5 Public Relations will result in an immediate LoR and or removal from the department.
  • Minimum Rank is PFC


  • Meet established timeline for posting of 5 days to accept and 14 days to complete
  • Must accept a minimum of 1 project per month
  • Upload finished project directories on shared S5 google drive
  • 3 days to notify requester and confirm/accept assignment
  • 3 days for first draft on thread (can be very basic)
  • 14 days with no follow-up on accepted project/assigned projects may result in a DCS
  • All graphics must meet 7 Cavalry standards on professionalism and decency. 700x200 300dpi for Signatures (centered) 1260x400 300dpi for frontpage rotating banners
  • No profanity, offensive slogans, political or religious nature
  • Actions deemed malicious in nature through the use of S5 Graphics will result in an immediate LoR and or removal from department.
  • Minimum Rank is PFC

Social Media:

  • At least one contact with Social Media Senior per week.
  • All communications on social media must meet the "Cav Communications Guidelines". Any non Cav supported events or media including film and graphics must be reviewed and approved by Social Media Lead prior to posting.
  • Be responsible for maintaining your designated social media platform in line with the posting requirements set out by section lead.
  • Attendance at a monthly planning and review meeting with Section lead. Requirements for this meeting will be to analyze and review content posted, assess impact and engagement and forward plan next quarters activities.
  • Consequence for incomplete duties may result in immediate removal from department.
  • Actions deemed as malicious in nature using 7CAV social media platforms will result in an immediate LoR and removal from the department.
  • Minimum rank PFC