S2 Department - Folder Creation

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-048
Scope: S2 Department - Folder Creation
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 25JUNE24
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: S2 1IC
Point of Contact: S2 2IC


To ensure the systematic and equitable creation of folders for the S2 department, ensuring no single team is overburdened.


This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the creation of folders within the S2 department of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.


The primary responsibility for creating folders is assigned to the S2 Assistant.


This process is to be performed every Monday.


Step 1: Assess Current Workload

  • Count Enlisted Folders:
    • Review all Enlisted folders processed by S1 and RTC. These are identified by stickers in the title.
  • Review Team Workloads:
    • Check the current workload of Team 1 and Team 2 by reviewing the number of folders they are currently working on.
  • Example:
    • If there are 8 folders processed by S1 and RTC ready for S2 folder creation, and Team 1 currently has 5 folders in progress while Team 2 has 3 folders in progress, assign 3 new folders to Team 1 and 5 to Team 2. This ensures an equal distribution of work.

Step 2: Folder Creation Process

  • Open Necessary Tabs:

Open the following tabs in your browser:

  • Enlisted Forms
    • RTC Recruit Folders
    • S2 Security Template
    • S2 Checks (Team 1 / Team 2)
  • Access Enlisted Folder:
    • Open an enlisted folder that has been processed by S1 and RTC.
    • Open the accompanying RTC Recruit folder in the second tab.
  • Copy Security Template:
    • Click edit on the Security Template PM.
    • Copy all of the content.
    • Macro Creation: For ease of use, the person responsible for making the folders can create a macro on the 7th Cavalry website to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Create New Post in S2 Checks:
    • Navigate to the appropriate team (Team 1 or Team 2) tab.
    • Create a new post titled "LAST_NAME.INITIAL | Unassigned".
    • Paste the Security Template in the body of the post.
  • Fill Out Folder Information:
    • Using the information from the Enlisted form, fill out the following details using copy/paste:
      • Name
      • RTC Folder (Link this using the hyperlink in the toolbar)
      • Milpacs Link
      • Enlisted Thread (Link this using the hyperlink in the toolbar)
      • Platform and Game Selection
      • Discord Name
      • XBOX/PSN Name (If applicable)
      • Steam ID (If applicable)
  • OPTIONAL: For console gamers, consider adding the T17 ID found in the RRD post of the Enlistment Thread under XBOX/PSN Name for additional information.
    • Ensure the information added is not bolded for readability.
    • Save the Post:
  • Once all information is added, save the post.
  • Notify RRD:
  • Go to the Enlistment Thread and reply with "S2 Folder Created."
    • Edit the title of the thread by adding the "S2" Sticker to notify RRD that the folder is complete and ready to be moved.

Step 3: Repeat Process

  • Repeat the above steps for all qualifying Enlistment Threads.
  • Additional Information
    • Any questions about this process or SOP can be directed to HQ.