Regimental Meeting

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-POL-20
Scope: Regimental Meeting
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 16APR21
Last Modified Date: 16APR21
Approving Authority: Regimental Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental IMO


The Regimental Meeting is a quarterly call of all 7th Cavalry Regiment Commanders, Staff, and all Troopers. It allows the Regimental Commander and staff to brief subordinate commanders and staff, as well as all troopers on a broad overview of Regimental activities during the quarter. All members are permitted to provide input or discussion on topics, and it is led by the Chief of Staff.


The regimental meeting is scheduled every Quarterly, on a Sunday after the last Command Staff Call of that Quarter.

Required Attendance

The Regimental Meeting is only mandatory for the personnel listed above. However, members not on the invite list will be asked to join. If a member is online in Discord, a game server, or Teamspeak 3 they will be ordered to attend the meeting. However, members who are not part of the designated invite list aren't required to be present.


Members do not submit a Private Message (PM) if they cannot attend. Their attendance will be recorded automatically.

Someone from each HQ or staff branch element must be in attendance at every meeting. As long as one member is present, not all members are required to attend.

Required Attendance

Below is a list of all personnel who are required to attend.

Regimental Headquarters and Staff Branches

Below are required Staff and RHQ personnel.

Section Role
Regimental Headquarters Regimental Commander
Regimental Executive Officer
Regimental Chief of Staff
Regimental Adjutant General
Regimental Information Management Officer
Regimental Command Sergeant Major
S1 Personnel Administration
S1 1IC
S1 2IC
S2 Security Operations
Sec Ops OIC
S2 1IC
S2 2IC
S3 Operations
S3 1IC
S3 2IC
S6 1IC
S6 2IC
S7 Training
S7 1IC
S7 2IC
Recruiting Oversight Office
S5 1IC
Information Management Office
Aide to the IMO

Operational Unit Requirements

Below are all required personnel for CSCs from Operational units.

Section Role
1st Battalion HQ Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Sergeant Major
A/1-7 CAV Company Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
B/1-7 CAV Troop Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
C/1-7 CAV Company Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
2nd Battalion HQ Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Sergeant Major
A/2-7 CAV Company Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
B/2-7 CAV Company Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
C/2-7 CAV Company Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
Auxiliary Combat Detachment HQ Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Sergeant Major
A/ACD CAV Company Commander
Executive Officer
First Sergeant
Reserves Reserve 1IC
Reserve 2IC

Meeting Format

The meeting is divided into 7 broad stages, beginning with an introduction, moving into briefings and announcements, and then closing.

Meeting Stage Description
1. Opening Remarks Opening remarks from Commander, CoS to address meeting attendees, and take attendance. S6 Rep will start recording.
2. Actions arising from the last Meeting Address all previous points left un-settled and report on their progress.
3. Regimental Announcements, and Address from the Commander Commander and RHQ Staff brief major quarter events for the Regiment.
4. Line-unit reports and escalations, All commanders brief the Regimental Commander on the status of their unit, raise issues, and ask questions.
5. Other Business Any member may ask questions or raise points about a topic raised in a round table format
6. Summary of Meeting The Commander summarizes the meeting and member concerns.
7. Closing Remarks The Commander and staff thank attendees, take any final questions and then end meeting.