Regimental Aides - Duties and Responsibilities

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-R-008
Scope: Regimental Aides - Duties and Responsibilities
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 31JAN24
Last Modified Date: 02FEB24
Approving Authority: Regimental Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental Adjutant General

Role of Regimental Aides

Regimental Aides assist the General Staff and other Regimental positions in their duties and responsibilities, which helps to alleviate the large burden of running the day-to-day operations of the Regiment. Regimental Aides are comprised of the following:

  • Aide to the Regimental Chief of Staff
  • Aide to the Regimental Adjutant General
  • Aide to the Regimental Recruiting Oversight Officer
  • Aide to the Regimental Command Sergeant Major


The following is a list of basic responsibilities. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, merely the base from which to start.

  • Assist their assigned principle in their duties and responsibilities.
  • Be available to the members of the Regiment at all times when online.
  • Perform administrative duties associated with the Regiment, i.e. reports, discipline.
  • Train and directly supervise Departmental HQ's and Regimental Staff when applicable.
  • Attend Regimental Meetings and Command Staff Calls.
  • Other duties as required.

Aide to the Regimental Chief of Staff

The role of Aide to the COS is to execute the vision of the Regiment respective to the goals set forth by the Regimental Chief of Staff. The Aide to COS will report directly to the Regimental Chief of Staff. The Aide to the COS is also responsible for the oversight and well-being of the Special Projects Division.


  • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord or Teamspeak be available to Troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord, Teamspeak, or the forums.
  • PAF's - Assist the COS, AG, and their delegates with Regimental level Personnel Action Form reviews and approvals.
  • Pass information both up and down the Chain of Command in an accurate and timely manner as required.
  • Provide counsel and advice to the Regimental COS as required.
  • Assist the COS with any additional tasks delegated.


  • Promotions - Follow Regimental SOP in regards to promotion recommendations passed up from within the Regiment. Perform spot checks to ensure no one who meets promotion requirements has been overlooked.
  • PAF Review - Ensure Personnel Action Forms are seen and completed by all staff in a timely manner.
  • Medal Recommendation Reviews - Conduct medal recommendation reviews and approvals.


  • Required to attend the Command Staff Call and Quarterly Regimental Meeting.
  • Oversee monthly reports from all SPD Coordinators and share results with the Regimental COS and AG.
  • Assist the Regimental COS in coaching and mentoring all Officers and Senior NCOs in the Regiment by means of a regular 1:1 meeting as required.

Aide to the Regimental Adjutant General

The role of Aide to the AG is to execute the vision of the Regiment respective to the goals set forth by the Regimental Adjutant General. The Aide to AG will report directly to the Regimental Adjutant General.


  • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord or Teamspeak be available to Troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord, Teamspeak, or the forums.
  • PAF's - Assist the COS, AG, and their delegates with Regimental level Personnel Action Form reviews and approvals.
  • Pass information both up and down the Chain of Command in an accurate and timely manner as required.
  • Provide counsel and advice to the Regimental AG as required.
  • Assist AG with any additional tasks delegated.


  • Audit accountability across each department and Battalion as assigned by the AG.
    • Report weekly findings to the AG.
  • PAF Review - Ensure Personnel Action Forms are seen and completed by all staff in a timely manner.
  • Medal Recommendation Reviews - Conduct medal recommendation reviews and approvals.


  • Required to attend the Command Staff Call and Quarterly Regimental Meeting.
    • Assist the AG or General Staff organize and run CSC and Regimental Meetings.
  • Assist with teaching Officer Development School classes as required.

Aide to the Regimental Recruiting Oversight Officer

The role of Aide to the ROO is to execute the vision of the Regiment in all matters relating to the recruitment and processing of new and returning members into the unit.


  • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord or Teamspeak be available to Troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord, Teamspeak, or the forums.
  • Processing of Re-enlistments into the unit.
  • Pass information both up and down the Chain of Command in an accurate and timely manner as required.
  • Provide counsel and advice to the Regimental ROO as required.
  • Assist the Regimental ROO with any additional tasks delegated.


  • Meet with the Regimental ROO to brief on matters that require their attention.
  • Touch base with ROO department heads to ensure they have the resources needed to complete their stated mission.
  • Check department trackers and PAFs to ensure that the ROO departments are operated to the Regimental standard.


  • Required to attend the Command Staff Call and Quarterly Regimental Meeting.
  • Oversee monthly reports from all ROO departments.
  • Assist the Regimental ROO with tracking of promotions and ROO related personnel matters.

Aide to the Regimental Command Sergeant Major

The role of Aide to the CSM is to execute the vision of the Regiment respective to the goals set forth by the Command Sergeant Major and the needs of the NCO Corps. The Aide to Command Sergeant Major will report directly to the Command Sergeant Major and General Staff when applicable.


The following is a list of basic responsibilities. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, merely the base on which to start.

  • Responsible for the ongoing health and morale of the NCO Corps
  • Be available to the troopers of the Regiment at all times when online.
  • Admin game servers as required.
  • Perform administrative duties associated with the Command Sergeant Majors office, i.e. reports, S7, WAG, etc.
  • Train and work alongside Battalion Sergeant Majors.
  • Be available to instruct both phases of the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy syllabus when it is hosted.
  • Assist in overseeing all non-officer portions of the S7.
  • Other duties as required.


    • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord or Teamspeak be available for your troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord, Teamspeak, or the forums.
    • Work alongside and support the Battalion Sergeant Major to ensure all companies are running effectively.
    • Pass information both up and down the chain of command in an accurate and timely manner as required.
    • Assist Command Sergeant Major with any additional tasks delegated.


    • Participate for one hour per week with any of the Official games supported by the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.
    • Assist with Training Plan Development and be a supporting Liaison between Battalions and S7 to ensure they are working in Synchronization


    • Required to attend the Command Staff Call and Quarterly Regimental Meeting.
    • Attend 1 FTX and 1 Operation for any Area of Operations of the Official games supported by the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment within 1 month.
    • Perform Audits alongside the Wiki Administration Group for discrepancies on existing pages.