RRD - Frequently Asked Questions

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-RRD-003
Scope: RRD - Frequently Asked Questions
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 23NOV21
Last Modified Date: N/A
Approving Authority: ROO 1IC
Point of Contact: RRD 1IC

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does the Recruiting Department exist?

The 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment is one of the most successful and enduring clans in the tactical gaming community. Our success is due in large part to the quality and quantity of highly motivated mature members in our ranks, but keeping the ranks filled with high caliber individuals requires a full-time effort. Real life commitments and responsibilities sometimes claim even the most stalwart among us. While it's true that every 7th Cavalry member is capable of recruiting on an informal basis, we have made ongoing recruitment a high priority deserving of professional training and command leadership. Members of the Regimental Recruiting Department have the assignment to identify, educate, and invite promising new recruits in an ongoing effort to preserve our traditions and grow our legacy.

2. Why do people keep asking me to Join?

Among our arsenal of recruiting tools, Public Servers, Discord, and even Teamspeak shine brightly. We provide these services to public players as a recruiting tool. 7th Cavalry members may play on these servers, but recruitment is the larger goal. Members of the Regimental Recruiting Department receive highly professional training, coaching, and encouragement. They keep logs of activity and report on their progress. Recruiters will patiently encourage teamwork and identify top candidates. They will invite public players to learn more about what the Cav has to offer. They will explain our culture and answer questions, all in an effort to bring quality players into our ranks.

3. Who can join the Regimental Recruiting Department?

Recruiters get asked a lot of questions. Obviously they can't just lie or make up policy off the cuff, so they need to have answers to questions about our brotherhood and the games we play. They need to be able to explain our Discord and Teamspeak policies, General Orders, Code of Conduct and individual game Rules of Engagement. They need to be able to assess an individual's suitability with our culture to avoid wasting the time of the recruit and of Recruit Training Command staff. They need to be honest, patient, and determined in their efforts to identify, educate and invite promising new recruits. Recruiters in a public server are never concerned with their own stats or exploits. They are focused on the mission of helping public players to take their first step toward membership. Membership in our brotherhood extends a number of privileges to each trooper. These privileges come with corresponding responsibilities. Recruiters help prospective members to understand the scope of these privileges and responsibilities. SOP regarding prospective Recruiters includes a requirement of the minimum rank of PFC, along with being in good standing and the completion of a PAF as well as training period under the guidance of a Senior Recruiter.

4. What is the recruitment process like?

The Recruitment process can start in many places, in game, on discord or through a number of websites. Once an Application is filled out and submitted the applicant will receive a welcome letter from a RRD Processing Clerk, and will have seven days to reply to the welcome letter or the application will automatically time out. Once an applicant has responded and is accepted into the Regiment a milpac will be created and they will be handed over to the Recruit Training Command for training and then assignment to a Section within the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

5. How can I help the Regimental Recruiting Department fulfill its mission?

  • Be an example - The most important thing you can do to help is to be a good ambassador and example at all times and in all places. Demonstrate the highest ideals of character and good judgement even when you think no one is watching.
  • Be friendly - Reach out to others. Offer assistance. Invite others to join you. Encourage positive behavior with compliments and public accolades. Invite conversation and camaraderie.
  • Be educated - Stay up to date about SOP and changes happening in the Cav. Being able to offer an accurate description of how we operate internally as well as giving overviews of what we have to offer helps give prospective recruits an idea of what to expect.