MMO Gaming

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-POL-008
Scope: Policy Letter : MMO Gaming
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: Reposted: 24JUL2015
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: Regimental Executive Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental Executive Officer



RE: MMO Gaming Communities/MMO Gaming

Due to some recent confusion/concerns, I would like to give clarification with regards to General Order #8

   General Order 8
   I will not belong to another FPS unit/clan while a member of the 7th Cavalry.

Historically we have operated in purely FPS, hosted server games only. In 2013 we attempted to branch out into an MMO FPS via Planetside 2, which while meeting with initial success, and earning us a deserved spotlight from the developer, faltered and has since been shut down. Many of our members invested a great deal of time, and money into the exercise and have ties there.

We appreciate that it is a critical part of enjoyment for MMO games to play with community, and in many cases specific content is impossible to access without a well organized group of players. As such we have always had an exclusion with regards to GO#8 as it relates to MMO activities. This would cover Planetside 2 gaming as it is an MMO, persistent world for the purpose of this discussion.

However it is critical to note, that when choosing the community to call home in these activities, that a bit of diligence is done, as while we accept the nature of these games require community, we also do not want our members in direct competition with our goals. As such, multi-gaming organizations are often a bad choice because they often participate in FPS games as well.

Those communities, while often in very high regard, are not appropriate for Cav member participation, as there is a potential for conflicts of interest to arise. When selecting a group outside the unit to participate in your MMO gaming with, you will need to ensure the community to play with meets a few reasonable caveats

They do not have active groups assigned to FPS games They do not support hacking or hold diametric positions to our core values as a unit

I hope this clarifies things a bit.

Regards, The COS