Furlough Policy

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-POL-016
Scope: Policy Letter : Furlough Policy
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 25MAR20
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: Regimental Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental Chief of Staff



7th Cavalry Furlough Policy


The purpose of Furlough in the Cav is to provide those members who provide daily support to the Regiment time off, free from their normal duties during the holidays of Christmas and New Years. Our hope is to allow our dedicated volunteers a break to spend this important time with friends and family, and to give people a break to recharge after the year and come back refreshed for the new year.

Definition of Furlough

Furlough is a period of 2-3 weeks, starting on the Saturday one week before Christmas Day, and ending the first Friday after New Years Day. There will be an announcement post made by the Chief of Staff or their designate in the forums stating the dates of Furlough each year. There will be a Regimental Meeting to end the year and kick off Furlough on the Saturday that starts Furlough.
During this 2-3 week period the entire Regiment, including all Battalions, Support and Secondary Departments, are shut down and all duties and responsibilities are temporarily suspended. In addition to this work stoppage, there are no official events, training classes, operations, roll calls, or section practices unless they meet the following conditions:

  • Approval from the General Staff is required.
  • Any work required from secondary or support departments must be agreed to and coordinated at least 2 weeks prior to Furlough.
  • Any required work for such events must be voluntary; Command Authorities are prohibited from requiring their members to work during Furlough.
  • Any award submissions for Operations or Events that occur during Furlough are not to be submitted until Furlough has ended.