Developmental Counseling Statement

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-R-014
Scope: The Developmental Counselling Statement
Version: 1.1
Effective Date: 26NOV20
Last Modified Date: 05AUG21
Approving Authority: Regimental Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental Executive Officer


A Developmental Counselling Statement (DCS) is a Non-Punitive measure used to coach an individual on something an individual has done that is incorrect in terms of procedure or behavior. The goal of the Developmental Counselling Statement is to verbally discuss the issue with the individual until there is a full understanding of what they did wrong and what measures the individual will take to prevent it happening again. Likewise the Developmental Counselling Statement ensures that the counselor, usually the next member in the individual's Chain of Command, has a plan of action to help the individual and it ensures that they will check back with the trooper in the future to ensure the issue is resolved. If an individual has done something incorrectly, a Developmental Counselling Statement *must* be issued. Not documenting any discussions with individuals only hampers further action if it becomes necessary.

Developmental Counselling Statement Content

The content of a Counseling Statement must at minimum detail the following:

  1. The date on which the statement was recorded; which will typically be on the same day of the verbal discussion.
  2. The trooper involved, their rank and billet.
  3. The counselling authority, their rank and billet.
  4. The content of the discussion that took place, to include:
    A. The specific infraction referring to the SOP/Rule/Regulation/Order.
    B. The plan of action proposed.
    C. The trooper’s comments.
    D. Any other relevant business.

Developmental Counselling Statement Delivery

This is the mandatory process counselling authorities must follow to execute a Developmental Counselling Statement:

  1. There are two initiating options:
    A. If the trooper is seen by the counselling authority in Discord Voice/TeamSpeak within 24 hours of being made aware of the infraction, they will verbally deliver the Counselling Statement immediately or;
    B. If within 24 hours direct contact in Discord Voice/TeamSpeak has not been established; the counselling authority will inform the trooper via a forum private message that they need to speak with them in the next 72 hours in regard to an alleged infraction. They will use a standard template to do this, inviting them to a discussion.
  2. The trooper will respond to the message with the times in Zulu that they can meet the Counselling authority.
    A. If they can both meet on an agreed time - they meet and proceed to the next step.
    B. If they cannot meet, the trooper may request to meet with an alternative leader no greater than one level above the counselling authority, but this must be within the original 72 hour timeframe set.
    C. If B is not possible, the trooper must accept the findings and plan of the counselling authority.
  3. The content of the Developmental Counselling Statement is discussed - specifically Section 2 of the DCS form.
  4. The counselling authority informs the trooper that a repeat of this scenario will result in further action, but at this stage it is not a punitive measure, but simply to address a potential deficiency or gap in knowledge.
  5. At this stage the counselling authority fills in and completes the DCS form.

Note: Should the Developmental Counselling Statement be used for a purpose that is not the result of a negative action (i.e., a positive leadership development session), a private message is not required.

PM Contact Templates

These templates will be sent to members to inform them they will be subject to a Developmental Counseling Statement.

Initial Contact

Subject: Meeting: Developmental Counselling Statement


I am writing to you to arrange a meeting in order to discuss something that has been brought to my attention. It’s important that we meet in the next 72 hours in order to discuss this.

It’s also important that you know that this message is in no way punitive. I just want to talk to you. This does not go on your permanent record, it is simply a chat where we can jointly understand a specific issue that needs to be addressed.

It will be an open conversation between you and I as we come up with a solution to solution, to the proposed problem, verbally. It is then recorded on paper and held as a contract for future conduct.

I’m available at these times during the next 72 hours:


What time can you meet?

After Action


I am writing to you to confirm the minutes of our meeting on DDMMMYY.

In the meeting I will have clarified the specific infraction observed, and the resolution associated with your Developmental Counseling Statement. You can find the Statement here.

We really appreciate you taking the time to understand our concerns and for being prepared to take action to help us achieve high performance in our team.

Please let me know if there is anything else we as a team can do to help you.

Repeat / Multiple Developmental Counselling Statements

If an issue or behavior repeats itself within 90 days of being counseled for the same issue, a Letter of Reprimand should be prepared and delivered. Refer to Regimental SOPs for further action.

Developmental Counselling Statement Record-Keeping

Record of a counseling must be kept for at least 90 days in the appropriate 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment Google Drive.

Form Template

The Developmental Counseling Statement Template may be found Here.

Developmental Counselling Statement Authority

Anyone in a leadership role (Section, Platoon, Company, Battalion, Department HQ's, or above) have the authority to administer a Developmental Counselling Statement to any member within their scope of authority for any failure to comply, on any occasion when deemed appropriate by their own review of the facts or as a result of a direct order from a superior Commissioned or Non-Commissioned Officer.

The Non-Punitive Nature of a Developmental Counselling Statement

A Developmental Counselling Statement is non-punitive. This means specifically that the Counselling Statement itself does not spell out a punishment as a result of the Counselling Statement.

Regimental Disciplinary Process
Counseling Developmental Counseling Statement (DCS)
Repeated Minor Offences or Serious Offences Letter of Reprimand (LOR)Article 15 - Commander's Investigation and Hearing
Repeated Serious Offences or Gravely Serious Offences Article 32 - Pre-Trial Investigation and Court Martial