Chain of Command Right of Review

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-R-023
Scope: Chain of Command Right of Review
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 10 MAY 19
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: Regimental Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: Regimental Chief of Staff

Delegation of Authority in the Chain of Command

All responsibilities and authority within the 7th Cavalry Regiment originate from the Regimental Commander billet.

Full Right of Review

All personnel who are higher in billet in their respective Chain of Command have the full right to undertake a review of any level below their billet and within their scope of command. The Regimental Commander has the authority to review any billet across the Regiment. This includes the lowliest trooper in Primary Billeting and the lowliest clerk in Secondary Billeting.


The intent behind this directive is to declare that every higher billeted level is delegating responsibility and authority to every lower billeted level they directly or indirectly supervise through subordinates.

An example of the order of Authority in Chain of Command Billeting would be as such:

  1. Chief of Staff to Battalion Staff
  2. Battalion Staff to Company Staff
  3. Company Staff to Platoon Staff
  4. Platoon Staff to Squad/Section Leadership
  5. Squad/Section Leadership to Trooper