3BN - Company Operation/FTX Policy

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This page is currently under development
Assigned Administrator: CPT.Jay.M
This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-BATT3-005
Scope: Company Operation/FTX Policy
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 01APR24
Last Modified Date: 01APR24
Approving Authority: 3BN Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: 3BN Executive Officer


Policy Overview

  • A Company Field Training Exercise (FTX) is required to be run once every two months
  • A Platoon FTX is required to also be run once every two months and alternate months with their respective Company FTX
  • At the discretion of the Company Commander, a company's required FTX can be run as an official operation. This includes:
    • MILPAC credit to attendees
    • Eligibility for combat awards
    • Requires an official operation announcement posting prior to the FTX
    • Requires After Action Reports (AAR) to be submitted by all element leads per AAR SOP (7CAV-POL-011)
  • Platoon Field Training Exercises cannot be run as an official operation
  • At the discretion of the Company Commander, other Company wide events, such as running company-wide weapon re-qualification ranges, can also count as a Company FTX, but not as an official operation
  • The goal of this policy is to be an incentive for troopers to attend their Company FTX, as well as to provide MILPACS credit and award eligibility to events that are already run in extremely similar formats to official operations. It is also intended to stagger the scheduling of each FTX so not every FTX is run at the same time to help maximize attendance.


  • Scheduling Arma 3 events:
    • 1-7 reserves Saturdays for official S3 Operations
    • 1-7 reserves Sundays for SP and FTX's
    • Scheduling for Company & Platoon FTX's:
      • Company FTX’s will be run in 2 month cycles and repeat thereafter. Each Company is responsible for an FTX once every 2 months.
      • B/1-7 will host their Company FTX the last Sunday of the first month of the cycle
      • A/1-7 will host their Company FTX the 2nd Sunday of the second month of the cycle
      • C/1-7 will host their Company FTX the first Sunday of the second month of the cycle
      • Platoon FTX’s will be run the same week as their Company FTX of the opposite month of the cycle, so in the non-Company FTX months
      • The above schedule is to be repeated every 2 month cycle


  • Company FTX’s must be posted in the DCS World FTX calendar at a minimum of 7 days in advance of the scheduled date
    • The post must be made by a member of Company Staff, using the Regimental Calendar
    • It is required to provide an Operation Order (OPORD) prior to the operation

Platoon FTX’s can be posted internally in that Platoon’s own forum


  • Attendance at an FTX will count as SP for members of that unit only per 7CAV-BATT3-013
    • Enough slots should be included to encompass all of the normal compositions of each Platoon within the Company as determined by the Company Commander
    • All members of the relevant company have their slots reserved per their billet, but sign-ups are still encouraged to gauge potential attendance
    • It is up to the discretion of Company Staff as to how many additional slots will be present for the operation, if any
      • For example, Alpha Company Staff may include slots for infantry support, and both Bravo and Charlie Company staff may include slots for air transport and/or air support as needed
      • For any FTX, if additional elements are required from outside of the Company or Platoon to conduct the FTX, please contact by forum PM the appropriate Company Staff to seek notification and approval for attendance from that element
  • All slot restrictions present for official operations are in effect for company operations per S3 Department - Standard Operating Procedures. For example, pilot slots are restricted to winged personnel, Squad Leader position priority is given to those in a squad leader billet or higher, etc.

After Action Reports and Award Eligibility

  • After Action Reports (AAR) must be created by the Company Commander, or a member of Company Staff in their absence, following the standard operating procedures outlined by S3 per AAR SOP
    • Those in a squad leader or higher billet must also submit their AAR responses as they would for a standard operation per AAR SOP
  • All attendees are eligible for operational awards. Medal recommendations must be sent to the Company Commander, or a member of Company Staff in their absence. The medal package for the operation can be posted in the Medal Recommendations forum by the Company Staff and follow all combat medal SOP's.