Wiki Admin Group - Regulations and Procedures

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-030
Scope: Wiki Admin Group - Regulations and Procedures
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 04JUL2020
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: WAG OIC / Major Czar.J
Point of Contact: WAG NCOIC


This page serves to outline the processes, procedures, and responsibilities of personnel in the Wiki Admin Group department of the Information Management Office. These policies were first made available on the forums on Jan 26, 2020, and are subsequent to change.

Personnel Responsibilities

This section serves to cover the basic duties of each given role within the department. Note that these duties are not explicit, and other duties within reason may be asked of a given individual within the department.

Wiki Administrator

  • Complete tickets when assigned by WAG OIC/NCOIC, or upon own volition, whichever is more productive and results in a faster service time.
    • Failure to complete assigned tasks, (assigned by self or by OIC/NCOIC) within a timely manner may result in punitive action up to and including removal from the WAG.
    • Tickets which are completed are to remain "stickied", but are to be appended "RESOLVED," or "COMPLETED" on the title of the ticket. Do not move tickets to the Resolved/Closed forums.
  • Meets with NCOIC/OIC at least once per two months to assess proficiency, efficiency, and goals within department.
  • Adheres to other policies and procedures outlined in this page.

Wiki Administration Group Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC)

  • Complete tickets when assigned by Wiki Administration Group Officer In Charge, or upon own volition, whichever is more productive.
  • Is available with appropriate frequency to regard escalated issues or tickets, as well as to mentor/coach administrators.
  • Assign tickets to WAG Administrators on a "round-robin" basis.
    • As complex tickets & tasking may require more time or in-depth knowledge, tickets may be assigned out of order to proficient administrators.
  • Adheres to other relevant policies and procedures outlined in this page.
  • Assists in the updating of the WAG Ticket Tracker.
  • Assists OIC in projects / meetings delegated by Regimental HQ and IMO HQ.
    • May, at own discretion, head own projects with department personnel resources with approval from OIC.
  • Meets once-per-quarter with WAG Administrators to assess performance and goals within the department.
  • Attends CSC per Regimental Requirements.

Wiki Administration Group Officer in Charge (OIC)

  • Complete tickets in a productive manner
  • Is available with appropriate frequency to regard escalated issues or tickets, as well as to mentor/coach administrators.
  • Assign tickets to WAG Administrators and WAG NCOIC on a "round-robin" basis.
    • As complex tickets & tasking may require more time or in-depth knowledge, tickets may be assigned out of order to proficient administrators.
  • Adheres to other relevant policies and procedures outlined in this page.
  • Updates the WAG Ticket Tracker on a weekly basis.
  • Heads projects / meetings delegated by Regimental HQ and IMO HQ.
  • Meets once-per-quarter with WAG Administrators to assess performance and goals within the department.
  • Attends CSC per Regimental Requirements.

General Policies & Procedures

The Wiki Administration Group has policies about escalation of tickets to a higher authority, escalation to the Wiki Admin Group leadership, the non-response policy for tickets, and how the tracker is updated by Wiki Admin Group Leadership.

Ticket Escalation Policies

Regimental Escalation

  • Tickets whose contents concern changes to pages on the Wiki which immediately concern Regimental Staff, or edits which need Regimental approval, are to be stickied on the Ticket Forum and marked (REGI ESCALATION).
  • In the ticket, please tag the corresponding member of Regimental Staff who's purview concerns the ticket. If you are unsure, please tag the presiding Chief of Staff and/or their adjuncts.
  • In any escalation, also tag the Wiki Admin Group Officer In Charge.

WAG Escalation

  • If you are unsure of an edit, whether it be in scope, permission, technical help, or any reason at all, please tag the Wiki Admin Group OIC and NCOIC.
  • Mark the ticket with (WAG ESCALATION), and sticky it.

Ticket Information Non-Response Policy

  • Tickets which require more information from submitter:
    • If a person submits a ticket and does not supply ample information to complete the edit, tag them in a response to their ticket asking for exactly what you need from the person. Include the WAG OIC or NCOIC in your tags for transparency.
    • Append (PENDING INFORMATION) to the name of the ticket, and sticky it.
    • If the person responsible for providing information fails to do so within one week, unless a specific date has been given, please bump the message as a reminder.
    • At two weeks of the request for information being sent, if they have still not provided you with information please send the below response and close the ticket.
    • Ensure you fill in the generalized portions appropriately.

This response is to inform you that two weeks have passed since our request for additional information necessary to the completion of your ticket regarding (TOPIC). Due to this passage of time, we have closed your ticket. The reason for this is to keep our number of open tickets down, as well as a reminder to those who submit tickets that we need their help in getting their information published. Without your input and guidance, we cannot make the page what you want it to be.

Since this ticket is now closed, it is no longer open for replies: please submit another ticket with the necessary information when you have time to do so. We sincerely look forward to working with you in making the Wiki what it needs to be.

YOURNAME, Wiki Administrator

Tickets Not Submitted by the Point of Contact

If a person submits a ticket which concerns information not directly under their purview (Example: An NCOA instructor notices department information is out of date on the Wiki), the Administrator assigned to the ticket is to reach out by means of tagging a response to the ticket with the persons responsible for that information and request it.

    • For instance, in the aforementioned scenario, a Wiki Admin would tag S7 Staff (OIC, XO, NCOIC, and NCOA Lead) with your request for information. This is to ensure we have all hands on deck so as to quickly ascertain necessary information.
    • Remember, all correspondences to do with ticketing are to include the WAG OIC.
  • Similar to above, if necessary information is not provided within: One week, or by an agreed upon date within reason, bump the PM as a reminder.
  • If there is no appropriate response given after two weeks from either: (Submission of correspondence, or: Agreed upon deadline of providing information information)
    • Add their next superior in command (CoC) and respectfully request their assistance in the PM in acquiring necessary information to complete your job.
      • (EXAMPLE: If E/2-7 Staff doesn't respond to a ticket, the information of which falls under their purview, you would add 2nd Battalion Staff.)
    • At this point, please give reasonable time for the information provisions to be completed. If another week passes without the ticket being resolved or updated, please reach out to the highest concerned person in the thread directly and request advisement on the situation.
  • If three days passes from the addition of the next in CoC, repeat the process with the next higher in the CoC. This is per 7CAV-POL-17, "Chain of Command Escalation"
  • The spirit of this is to ensure that the Wiki is up to date. We as Wiki Administrators are not responsible for creating or amending the policies of another department. Henceforth, we require their assistance and guidance in these changes - without this guidance, we cannot do our jobs and the Wiki goes without proper information.
  • If information requires Regimental Staff's purview, please adhere to the above Procedure regarding Regimental Escalation.

Correspondence With Ticket Personnel

It is expected that you are respectful in all communications with members of the 7th Cavalry. These messages are no exception. Wiki Administrators are to uphold Cav values, as we represent them, and conduct matters professionally. Remember, we're all vying as brothers for the same goal: an updated Wiki.

WAG Tracker Updating Procedure

Tickets are to be added to the tracker upon completion/closing.

  • The NCOIC/OIC will update the tracker by:
    • Creating a new row for new tickets
    • Add, in order:
      • Date ticket was submitted
      • Who submitted ticket
      • Link to the ticket
      • General Context of Ticket
      • Ticket Status
      • Resolution Summary
      • Which WAG Personnel Handled the Ticket
      • Date Resolved/Closed
  • After each CSC, the "Stats" sheet will be amended with the date of that CSC, so that appropriate metrics can be delivered upon the next CSC.