S2 Department - Folder Creation

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-048
Scope: S2 Department - Folder Creation
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 25JUNE24
Last Modified Date: DDMMMYYYY
Approving Authority: SECOPS OIC
Point of Contact: S2 OIC


  • To ensure the systematic and equitable creation of folders for the S2 department, ensuring no single team is overburdened.


  • This SOP applies to all personnel involved in the creation of folders within the S2 department of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.


  • The primary responsibility for creating folders is assigned to the S2 Assistant.


  • This process is to be performed every Monday.


Step 1: Assess Current Workload

  • Count Enlisted Folders:
    • Review all Enlisted folders processed by S1 and RTC. These are identified by stickers in the title.
  • Review Team Workloads:
    • Check the current workload of Team 1 and Team 2 by reviewing the number of folders they are currently working on.
  • Example:
    • If there are 8 folders processed by S1 and RTC ready for S2 folder creation, and Team 1 currently has 5 folders in progress while Team 2 has 3 folders in progress, assign 3 new folders to Team 1 and 5 to Team 2. This ensures an equal distribution of work.

Step 2: Folder Creation Process

  • Open Necessary Tabs:

Open the following tabs in your browser:

  • Enlisted Forms
    • RTC Recruit Folders
    • S2 Security Template
    • S2 Checks (Team 1 / Team 2)
  • Access Enlisted Folder:
    • Open an enlisted folder that has been processed by S1 and RTC.
    • Open the accompanying RTC Recruit folder in the second tab.
  • Copy Security Template:
    • Click edit on the Security Template PM.
    • Copy all of the content.
    • Macro Creation: For ease of use, the person responsible for making the folders can create a macro on the 7th Cavalry website to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Create New Post in S2 Checks:
    • Navigate to the appropriate team (Team 1 or Team 2) tab.
    • Create a new post titled "LAST_NAME.INITIAL | Unassigned".
    • Paste the Security Template in the body of the post.
  • Fill Out Folder Information:
    • Using the information from the Enlisted form, fill out the following details using copy/paste:
  • Name
    • RTC Folder (Link this using the hyperlink in the toolbar)
    • Milpacs Link
    • Enlisted Thread (Link this using the hyperlink in the toolbar)
    • Platform and Game Selection
    • Discord Name
    • XBOX/PSN Name (If applicable)
    • Steam ID (If applicable)
  • OPTIONAL: For console gamers, consider adding the T17 ID found in the RRD post of the Enlistment Thread under XBOX/PSN Name for additional information.
    • Ensure the information added is not bolded for readability.
    • Save the Post:
  • Once all information is added, save the post.
  • Notify RRD:
  • Go to the Enlistment Thread and reply with "S2 Folder Created."
    • Edit the title of the thread by adding the "S2" Sticker to notify RRD that the folder is complete and ready to be moved.
  • Step 3: Repeat Process
    • Repeat the above steps for all qualifying Enlistment Threads.
  • Additional Information
    • Any questions about this process or SOP can be directed to HQ.