Leadership - Officer Development School

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Officer Development School
Superior Dept Regimental HQ
Motto To Lead is to Serve
HQ Staff
Lead BG Mike LaCombe
1IC {{{DepOIC}}}
2IC {{{DepXO}}}
3IC {{{DepNCOIC}}}
Aide to Officer Development School {{{DepAide}}}
Aide to SecOps {{{Aide}}}
Reporting Units


The Officer Development School (ODS) is a Regimental level school. The Officer Development School conducts on-demand courses to train members of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment the fundamentals of leadership, administration, and tactical orders production. The School tests Soldiers via competitive process to produce Army Officers capable of commanding at the Platoon level.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Officer Development School is to train and mentor the next generation of Platoon Leaders within the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment, with an emphasis on servant leadership, building morale, and tactical mission planning; as well as knowledge of administrative tasks and standard operating procedures.

The vision of the Officer Development School is to foster a culture of servant leadership across the Regiment while also ensuring students have a basic understanding of infantry platoon-level tactics, various administrative SOPs, and our Code of Conduct. We aim to provide the Regiment with well-rounded officers who are proficient tactically, administratively, and who put the needs of their unit before their own.

"We work for the troopers, not the troopers for us" - MAJ Delvanoc Carter''

Officer Development School (ODS)

The Officer Development School Course is distinct from other courses, as it requires significant pre-requisites. Students must be a Specialist, complete NCOA, and the Server Administration Course. Aside from these requirements, students must also receive a letter of recommendation from their Sub-Unit or equivalent commander. The Officer Development School is divided into three days, with each day taking one hour. Students will learn about the roles of junior Officers, how to formulate orders products, and how to manage and administer subordinates.

Rank of Specialist or higher
No current negative action
NCOA Phase 1 and 2
Server Administration Course



Here represent the dedicated officers who have helped pass hundreds of new officers into leadership into the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment. The ranks reflected here are either their current or when they served as ODS Lead.

Lead Instructor

Rank Name Dates of Service
Brigadier General LaCombe.M 16MAY23 - Present
Major General Tharen.R 30DEC19 - 16MAY23
Captain Argus.J 07MAY17 - 13JUN18

School Standard Operating Procedures

Instructor Qualification Policy

Due to the specialized nature of the Officer Development School, new instructors must meet specific requirements.

  • Must be a current Officer serving as a Platoon Leader or higher position, or
  • Must be a current Non-Commissioned Officer serving as a Platoon Sergeant or higher position
  • If you meet the above rank requirements and are interested, please contact the ODS Lead

Applicable Policies

Document Number Policy or Standard Operating Procedure
7CAV-R-033 Officer Development School