Delta Company D/1-7

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Delta Company (D/1-7)
Aide to Delta Company (D/1-7)
Superior Unit Unit Deactivated
Reporting Units
Esprit De Corps
Unit Motto

Delta Company, 1st Battalion was an Infantry Company tasked with Mechanized Infantry and Motorized Infantry operations. It was administratively known as D/1-7. The Company had three Platoons, and was de-activated in 2014. The Company was later assigned to the Air Cavalry Vietnam Area of Operations.

Traditions and History

Delta Company traces its lineage back to Charlie Company, of the 1st Battalion. By 2009, the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment had launched their Arma 2 presence, and Charlie Company supported the 1st Battalion with Mechanized Infantry. By 2011, the Regiment had expanded its Arma 2 presence and split mechanized and light infantry roles. Thus, Delta Company was created and assigned Mechanized Infantry, and Charlie Company remained in the light infantry role.

Arma 2 and Arma 3 Area of Operations

Delta Company was activated in 2011 as Mechanized and Motorized Infantry. The Company supplemented Light Infantry in Charlie Company, and primarily operated alongside Armor and Artillery in Bravo Company. Delta Company was de-activated in 2014, when all Mechanized infantry capabilities were transferred to Bravo Company.

Air Cavalry Vietnam Area of Operations

In 2016, following interest in the new Arma 3 Modification: Air Cav Vietnam, a new starter platoon was launched. The game garnered enough interest that recruitment began to expand quickly. The Platoon was officially designated Delta Company in 2017. The Company was Combined-Arms. The Company was de-activated in 2018, and returned to inactive status.


Air Cav Vietnam Company Commanders

The following is a list of Company Commanders beginning with the most recent in the Air Cavalry Vietnam Area of Operations.

D Company Air Cavalry Vietnam Company Commanders
Rank Name Dates of Service
Captain Chuck Valenches 30 Aug 2017 - 16 Jul 2018
1st Lieutenant Henrik Hansen 01 Jul 2017 - 29 Aug 2017
Major Bruce Crandall 11 Apr 2017 - 01 Jul 2017
1st Lieutenant Gareth Collins 25 Aug 2016 - 02 Apr 2017

Arma 2 and Arma 3 Company Commanders

The following is a list of Company Commanders beginning with the most recent in the Arma 2 and Arma 3 Area of Operations.

D Company Arma 2 and Arma 3 Company Commanders
Rank Name Dates of Service
Major Alan Lewis 12 Aug 2012 - 03 Jun 2014
Major Michael Grimshaw 19 May 2012 - 04 Dec 2012
Major Ralta Vicente 01 Oct 2011 - 18 May 2012

Order of Battle

The Company consisted of 3 Infantry Platoons, and a Headquarters Section.

Element Callsign Size Role
Company Headquarters Unknown Section Company Command Team of D Company, including the Company Commander, Executive Officer and Company First Sergeant
1st Platoon Unkown Platoon Mechanized Infantry Platoon
2d Platoon Unkown Platoon Mechanized Infantry Platoon
3rd Platoon Unkown Platoon Heavy Weapons Platoon