SPD Roles and Responsibilities

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-02
Scope: Special Projects Division - Roles and Responsibilities
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 11JUL23
Last Modified Date: 11JUL23
Approving Authority: Chief of Staff
Point of Contact: Aide to the CoS


One SPD Coordinator shall be assigned to each established battalion at any given time, and two SPD Coordinators shall be assigned to the Auxiliary Combat Detachment at any given time. Chief of Staff HQ may adjust these assigned numbers at their discretion based on the needs of the Regiment. For troopers already in the Special Projects Division or those interested in joining in the future, social skills are a must as well as a desire to go out and become an expert of your assigned area.

1BN/2BN Coordinators

Monitor and report statistics relating to staffing (such as position openings that aren’t being filled in a reasonable amount of time), growth of the battalion (shrinking, maintaining, growing), and perceived unit morale. Additional duties include attending operations, section practices, and becoming apart of the community in which you are assigned in order to build rapport and become an expert of the assigned AO.

A Battalion SPD Coordinator also acts as a Regimental liaison for Battalion staff. Become familiar with who the staff are in your assigned area and go out of your way to offer assistance with any projects they may have, such as coordinating with secondary departments for that game (i.e. S7). Track issues that the Battalion is having as well and be aware of what they are so that they aren’t lost/forgotten about and COS HQ can be reminded if needed.

ACD Coordinators

Monitor and report statistics relating to staffing (such as position openings that aren't being filled in a reasonable amount of time), growth of the battalion (shrinking, maintaining, growing), and perceived unit morale. Additional duties include attending operations, section practices, and becoming apart of the community in which you are assigned in order to build rapport and become an expert of the assigned AO. Lead and maintain Starter Platoons and follow this guide to ensure success. Maintain communication with ACD Battalion staff and cooperate with them to make the graduation of the Starter Platoon into ACD as seamless as possible.

An ACD SPD Coordinator also acts as a Regimental liaison for Battalion staff. Become familiar with who the staff are in your assigned area and go out of your way to offer assistance with any projects they may have, such as coordinating with secondary departments for that game (i.e. S7). Track issues that the Battalion is having as well and be aware of what they are so that they aren’t lost/forgotten about and COS HQ can be reminded if needed.