This is the Document Release Information
Article Number:
S1 HQ - Roles and Responsibilities
Version 1.0
Effective Date:
Last Modified Date:
Approving Authority:
Point of Contact:
Provide guidance on the Name Change Request ticket processing
Roles and Responsibilities
S1 OIC / XO / NCOIC Check if name changes meet the requirements and process them in a timely manner.
Name Change Requests
Requesting a Name Change
- A trooper may request a name change only within the first 30 days of their enlistment.
- A trooper may only change their name once.
Choosing a Name
- Names must include a realistic forename and surname; not necessarily your real name.
- Troopers may not choose (within the limits of common sense) any of the following as names
- Historically important names
- Actors
- Cartoon names
- Names of importance from novels, television etc.
- Religious names
Name Change Approval
- A member of the S1 Command Staff will respond to the ticket, either approving the name change or requesting a modification based on the criteria above.
- The S1 Command Staff member will do the following:
- Make a name change post in the PAF forum as per above. Alert (@) the immediate supervisors in the chain of command. This could be RTC or their SL and platoon staff. Also alert the NCOIC of ROO.
- Add a record to the user's MILPACS as follows:
- Name Change Approved: Private John Doe will be known as Private John Donn
- Edit the user as follows:
- Update the GC, AAR and AFSM tracker as required.
- Update trooper's ownCloud citation foldername accordingly.
- Update Uniform image, filename, uniform tracker entry.
Name Change Ticket Text
Name Change Approved.
Milpacs Updated. Ticket Closed.