1BN - "Outlaw": Player-Controlled AI

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This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-BATT1-014
Scope: Callsign "Outlaw": Player-Controlled AI
Version: Version 1.0
Effective Date: 28APR24
Last Modified Date: 28APR24
Approving Authority: 1BN Commanding Officer
Point of Contact: 1BN Executive Officer



This policy will serve as the official 1-7 Battalion "Outlaw" Policy. It supersedes any Company policies and cannot be edited or circumvented without Battalion Commanding Officer approval.

Commander's Intent

  • Outlaw is intended to be used as a training aid for the individual companies within 1-7 by providing player-controlled AI during missions at the will of the Company Commander.


  • Outlaw is not a secondary billet, does not maintain a set roster, and its use/parameters are determined on an as-needed basis for each mission.
  • There are no set Rules of Engagement (ROE) for Outlaw. One mission may require they role-play as civilians, while another may ask them to command a fireteam and shoot to kill as a "stress test".
  • The mission 1IC will determine the rules of engagement (ROE) for Outlaw and must brief the Outlaw team leader on that ROE prior to the mission.

Scope of Use

  • Outlaw is approved for use during the following company events as well as joint events:
  • Company FTXs
  • Platoon FTXs
  • Squad Practices
  • Outlaw is not approved for use during standard S3 operations, Warfare Wednesday, etc.

Command Authority

  • The Company Commander is the final authority for anything Outlaw related within their company, but they can delegate this command as needed.
  • For example, if Outlaw is requested for a platoon FTX and the CO will not be present, the platoon leader/1IC will take command.
  • Unit commanders can simply find willing participants themselves or can add Outlaw slots to the mission sign up post and these slots can be filled by anyone meeting the minimum requirements listed below.

Examples of Outlaw implementation include but are not limited to:

  • Flying red air during an A/1-7 FTX
  • Role playing enemy civilians inside a town
  • Driving/gunning enemy vehicles
  • Acting within a fireteam to provide more realistic engagements such as suppressive fire, flanking, and ambushes

Minimum Requirements for acting as an Outlaw element

  • Minimum Rank of Corporal
  • No active NFA
  • Any further restrictions from the respective Company Commander
  • Commanders can also deny/remove any person from an Outlaw slot for any reason.

Restrictions for Outlaw

  • Outlaw are not allowed to do anything outside what was ordered in their mission brief
  • If there is any doubt, they are to confirm with the 1IC and must always be monitoring command net.
  • If there are multiple Outlaw members, one person is to serve as the Outlaw Team Leader who takes responsibility for the entire team.
  • The mission 1IC supersedes all Outlaw elements regardless of rank
  • Since Outlaw is considered a training aid, they are not eligible for combat medals.

Abuse of Outlaw privileges

  • Any Outlaw member found to have acted irresponsibly, against orders, or have otherwise caused willful detriment to the mission will be issued a Letter of Reprimand and be permanently banned from the Outlaw role.