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==Social Media Policy==
==Social Media Policy==
Facebook Content Posting for the 7th Cav Gaming Community
To standardize Instagram content posting to enhance the 7th Cav Gaming community's online presence, engagement, and growth.
This SOP applies to all designated social media managers and contributors within the 7th Cav Gaming community.
Responsibilities :
*Maintaining a consistent posting schedule
*Keeping up with relevant trends
*Incorporating 7th Cavalry Branding into as much media as possible
*Positioning our community as active & relevant among the right communities
*Understanding the Audience:
**Identify the demographics and interests of individuals likely to be interested in gaming and community involvement. Tailor your messaging to resonate with this audience.
Crafting Compelling Content:
*Brainstorm ideas for engaging recruitment content that highlights the unique aspects and values of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.
*Focus on aspects that appeal to gaming enthusiasts and potential community members, such as teamwork, camaraderie, and shared interests.
Writing Promotional Copy:
*Write persuasive and concise copy that communicates the benefits of joining the gaming community.
*Include a clear call-to-action inviting individuals to join the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment and provide information on how to do so.
Creating Visual Assets:
*Design eye-catching graphics or videos to accompany your promotional copy.
*Use visuals that reflect the gaming culture and the spirit of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.
Adapting Content for Facebook:
*Ensure that your promotional content is formatted appropriately for Facebook, considering factors such as character limits, image sizes, and video length restrictions.
*Use Facebook's ad creation tools to create visually appealing ads that will grab the attention of your target audience.
Testing and Optimization:
*Launch your recruitment promotions on Facebook and monitor their performance closely.
*Use Facebook's analytics tools to track metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates.
*Continuously optimize your promotions based on performance data, making adjustments to targeting, messaging, and creative elements as needed.
Engagement and Community Building:
*Engage with individuals who interact with your recruitment promotions on Facebook.
*Respond to comments and messages promptly, providing helpful information and fostering a sense of community.
Evaluation and Iteration:
*Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your recruitment promotions on Facebook.
*Identify areas for improvement and iterate on your approach to optimize results over time.
Compliance and Ethical Considerations:
*Ensure that your promotional content complies with Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines.
*Maintain transparency and honesty in your messaging to build trust with potential recruits.
Collaboration and Teamwork:
*Encourage collaboration and communication among team members involved in creating and managing recruitment promotions.
*Leverage the expertise and creativity of your team to develop innovative and impactful campaigns.
*This SOP ensures that Instagram postings effectively communicate the 7th Cav Gaming community’s spirit, foster engagement, and support community growth. Adherence to these guidelines will maintain a cohesive and engaging online presence.
==Duties and Responsibilities==
==Duties and Responsibilities==

Revision as of 18:19, 11 June 2024

This is the Document Release Information
Article Number: 7CAV-DR-010
Scope: S5 Department - Social Media Policy
Version: Version 3.0
Effective Date: 09SEP23
Last Modified Date: 09SEP23
Approving Authority: S5 1IC
Point of Contact: S5 2IC

Mission Statement

The S5 Social media team are the external voice of the 7th Cavalry gaming regiment. Our aim is to have bold, appealing and active social media platforms, that use all of the elements of the S5 department to keep past, present and future members informed of all of the amazing things the 7th Cavalry do. We thrive on being outgoing and engaging with our posts and content and we ensure that with each interaction we represent the values of the 7th Cavalry. S5 social media team are dynamic and proactive in the social media field and essential in the aid of recruiting new troopers.

Social Media Policy

Facebook Content Posting for the 7th Cav Gaming Community Purpose: To standardize Instagram content posting to enhance the 7th Cav Gaming community's online presence, engagement, and growth.

Scope: This SOP applies to all designated social media managers and contributors within the 7th Cav Gaming community.

Responsibilities :

  • Maintaining a consistent posting schedule
  • Keeping up with relevant trends
  • Incorporating 7th Cavalry Branding into as much media as possible
  • Positioning our community as active & relevant among the right communities


  • Understanding the Audience:
    • Identify the demographics and interests of individuals likely to be interested in gaming and community involvement. Tailor your messaging to resonate with this audience.

Crafting Compelling Content:

  • Brainstorm ideas for engaging recruitment content that highlights the unique aspects and values of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.
  • Focus on aspects that appeal to gaming enthusiasts and potential community members, such as teamwork, camaraderie, and shared interests.

Writing Promotional Copy:

  • Write persuasive and concise copy that communicates the benefits of joining the gaming community.
  • Include a clear call-to-action inviting individuals to join the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment and provide information on how to do so.

Creating Visual Assets:

  • Design eye-catching graphics or videos to accompany your promotional copy.
  • Use visuals that reflect the gaming culture and the spirit of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

Adapting Content for Facebook:

  • Ensure that your promotional content is formatted appropriately for Facebook, considering factors such as character limits, image sizes, and video length restrictions.
  • Use Facebook's ad creation tools to create visually appealing ads that will grab the attention of your target audience.

Testing and Optimization:

  • Launch your recruitment promotions on Facebook and monitor their performance closely.
  • Use Facebook's analytics tools to track metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates.
  • Continuously optimize your promotions based on performance data, making adjustments to targeting, messaging, and creative elements as needed.

Engagement and Community Building:

  • Engage with individuals who interact with your recruitment promotions on Facebook.
  • Respond to comments and messages promptly, providing helpful information and fostering a sense of community.

Evaluation and Iteration:

  • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your recruitment promotions on Facebook.
  • Identify areas for improvement and iterate on your approach to optimize results over time.

Compliance and Ethical Considerations:

  • Ensure that your promotional content complies with Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines.
  • Maintain transparency and honesty in your messaging to build trust with potential recruits.

Collaboration and Teamwork:

  • Encourage collaboration and communication among team members involved in creating and managing recruitment promotions.
  • Leverage the expertise and creativity of your team to develop innovative and impactful campaigns.


  • This SOP ensures that Instagram postings effectively communicate the 7th Cav Gaming community’s spirit, foster engagement, and support community growth. Adherence to these guidelines will maintain a cohesive and engaging online presence.

Duties and Responsibilities

Role of S5 Department Clerk

The Clerks are the backbone of the department and are responsible for the creation of products such as graphics or videos. They report to their assigned Senior Clerk and pass along any issues that they may have. The Department Lead will assign them to an area of operation.

Social Media:

  • At least one contact with Social Media Senior per week.
  • All communications on social media must meet the "Cav Communications Guidelines". Any non Cav supported events or media including film and graphics must be reviewed and approved by Social Media Lead prior to posting.
  • Be responsible for maintaining your designated social media platform in line with the posting requirements set out by section lead.
  • Attendance at a monthly planning and review meeting with Section lead. Requirements for this meeting will be to analyze and review content posted, assess impact and engagement and forward plan next quarters activities.
  • Consequence for incomplete duties may result in immediate removal from department.
  • Actions deemed as malicious in nature using 7CAV social media platforms will result in an immediate LoR and removal from the department.
  • Minimum rank PFC